Unity - The Dancing Inn [v0.1] [The Dancing Inn]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    In the early stages but has potential. The art is better than a lot of AI gen stuff, though there isn't currently much management as you gain gold but don't have over time costs like a lot of running a business games.

    It's something I'll keep an eye on and hope gets updates as full management features, more art and quests could easily lead to this being a really solid game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall a good game. Not too much of a headache, not too much grinding. The mechanics are pretty simple. Especially when you notice that the girls' portraits move around in the inn. Well yeah.

    The game looks like an alpha, is an alpha, and has the mechanics of an alpha. In development and waiting for polishing. But for an alpha, there is quite a bit of graphic content. That's the advantage of AI, easy to spam and it's cool.

    I recommend it
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    "dont expect a shit when you can't build it" -hidden left hand
    the game is brilliant and has tons of potential for huge developer. developer does gung ho by himself/herself. its early 3 months and dev can improves a lot of shit, thats impressive and sounds ambitious.
    The dev wish to build a team for can enjoy it, give a support so the dev can make a nighty boo boo. O.O==D {'}
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Creamed Strawberry

    Still early, but I can see a lot of potential in this game. There's not too much to do that I've discovered yet, but the bones are definitely there, imho. There's a few irritations with it like having no (as far as I've found) access to the menu in game, no save access, or even quitting without going to the task bar. All things that can and need to be ironed out. Definitely worth a try to see if it is your cup of tea. Personally, I'll be keeping an eye out for updates.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Torak Da Goblin

    actually quite enjoyable 4/5 starts since its early still and with how , i dont think the game deservers the review bomb.

    Ai art love it or hate it, its quite good here clearly is going to have more for it, id like a bit more of the lvl 2 area before the full blow hoe down show down. I do what to see this game evolve, with the lack of non ai art means there should be more time to get more scenes and mechanics going which is a win overall i think. worth a try for sure

    If your looking for the letter, go to out-front of the wood shop there's a barrel to the bottom left of your screen
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    What an absolute waste of my fucking time. I wasn't able to accomplish anything in the Inn. The UI is absolute shit, and there are no instruction on how to accomplish anything. No amount of clicking on object in the inn accomplished anything. I couldn't save. I couldn't get Alma to do anything in the inn. About All I could do was walk around outside and interact with other people to no real useful effect.

    Do not play this game. As cvat already mentioned the only way to end the game is to "End task" in the task manager and it doesn't have a windowed option in the Options section.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    The good, artwork is good, but one would expect that with a LLM AI drawing the assets. Game lacks a UI, a means to play windowed mode, and a method to quit the application with out using the three fingered salute (CTRL-ALT-DEL) or another method to force it to quit, this has the potential to cause corrupted data as these exits are never graceful and crash the application instead of exiting it properly.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Not bad, it is short to play through at the moment. It mentions advertising but for me it doesn't seem to allow me to do anything past purchasing the dance floor. It could really use more girls to corrupt and more advancements to purchase. Bit more to the story would also be nice.

    It has the basics down pretty ok now it just needs to be expanded on. (And maybe have the AI art get a bit of a polish, extra hands fingers and arms in weird places s a bit distracting.)

    If it gets the polish and additional content it needs then it could become 5 stars. Keep at it dev.