VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Arizona Unbridled [v0.12.1] [Sylvie Dreams]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Payed through this game in about 2 hours. At first, I tried to ignore that outdated looks, bad posing and tried to concentrate on the writing. But after a while, I found myself clicking through the dialogues.

    Much of it was said before: The dialogues are not really interesting, there is not real plot, just going at it every day and see what is coming. Tha graphics are getting better towards the end but they still don't look good. The style is a mixture of asian and western culture - the characters do look like this mixture, too. And the girl is sometimes like those japanese porn girls that is so unsecure, so ashamed but is doing that much.
    If I should maka a wild guess, I would say it is done by somebody from japan trying to imitate the western culture, but partly being stuck in his own porn culture.

    In the middle and the "end", there are so many girls, squirting is a theme there, but sind the bayfriend vanishes that was a warrant for seducing her and a hope for NTR-scenes, it became almost vanilla.

    If you have got nothing to do, you might play it and start skipping the endless, boring monologues when you feel for it. But if you have not that mcuh time at all, just skip it. Yes, I know the description sounds tempting, but it cannot deliver at all. And last but not least, it is abandoned, so there are many strange strings open and about when you end the game.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This game suprises with quality of some renders. Eventhough graphics is a bit old, but it doesnt take anything from the experience. The story is really interesting, The switch between the paths only slightly change the content. I have problem with sometimes too long meaningless conversations. Also work with clothes could be better. I am really sad, that the game is not finfished.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Miss Kobayashi's

    hi, I want to wish you health and success in the game and a lot of fans of this wonderful game and more podpischikov that the game went on and that everything was fine with you and the development of the game was in full swing
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed playing this game. in this its the mc exploring her sexuality in her own way, not like in other games where she is bullied or blackmailed by her ugly fat boss or the like.

    i love the setup for all the other routes, like the dad. if youre looking for suggestions, maybe an optional route where instead of ignoring the boyfriend, you can cuck him.

    thanks for the game, cant wait for the next update.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    TL,DR = The game started as a very enjoyable story of a young girl exploring her sexuality, but unfortunately the game slowly gets turned into some boring SJW propaganda.

    Story: 1/5
    + Game started as a very entertaining story of a young girl, who explores her sexuality. She likes exhibitionism, she can date boys, girls or both. Nothing original, but this formula works. === Overall very enjoyable, worth 5/5.
    - Sadly I disliked the character of main heroine. Sometimes you might have some sympathy with her, but sometimes she deserves some hate because of her narcissist tendencies. Example: She flashes her naked body to some random workers working at her garden, but when they act like real gentlemen and they dont ogle her what is her reaction? She throws a hissy fit and goes to complain and make trouble to those workers! "I flash my sexy body to them and they dont look? How dare they?!" Really?!
    - Unfortunately as the story progresses the game get slowly bogged down into boring SJW (Social Justice Warrior) propaganda. You are forced to endure teary stories about judgemental people and how difficult are lives of lesbians and incest lovers. The game will even show you completely unnecesary explanation of consanguinamorous relationships. === Very boring, worth 0/5.
    - I especially disliked the way the author was judgemental herself (himself?). The game clearly says that 7 billion people on the world are totally judgemental pricks who insist that lesbians and incest lovers are "sick". Seriously? This is not 15th century.
    - The final nail into the coffin was 0.12 update where absolutely nothing happened (not even one sexy scene). The game only got one sob story, where a girl is talking about her trauma: She was caught trying to kiss another girl and since then other highschool girls were making fun of her and bullying her. OMG! THE BEST UPDATE EVER!!! (Sarcasm).
    - There are so many sob stories that the game stops being enjoyable to play. Seriously author should think what she/he is trying to achieve. If they are trying to make money by making games, then they should avoid these boring sob stories. They are mood killers. Write that in some blog instead.

    Art: 3/5
    + Unfortunately quality of renders is inconsistent. Sometimes they are somewhere between high/mediocre quality, but sometimes they are of low quality and images have some small mistakes (eg. sometimes Arizona eyebrows are almost nonvisible, sometimes her skin is so white like she bleached it, etc.).

    Gameplay: 3/5
    + Typical VN with choices.
    + Choices are usually about whether you will see certain scenes or not. They wont impact the game on a larger scale.
    - Game has some music and sex sounds, but they are pretty generic. I prefered playing with sound turned off.

    To sum it up:
    Start of the game is good, but later parts are nothing much.
    If you are here just to see boobs and you will skip boring walls of text, then you might enjoy the game.
    But if you are planning to read everything, then you should expect a lot of mood killers.

    Author should really consider their goals with this game. If they want to have a succesful game, they should avoid these sob stories. But if this game was supposed to be a SJW statement, then okay. Dont mind my criticism.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Ridiculous score considering the quality. Unlike most other "corruption" games the girl is a complete narcissistic twat. Furthermore its not really a corruption story, its more a voluntary whoring. I mean the girl is a degenerate that gets off from flashing with her dad present 2 minutes into the game. On a degeneracy scale thats a firm middle, not the beginning.
    Renders are poor. Scenes aren't anything special. Writing needs a proofreading. And story has no flow.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    memes memer

    actually really good/satisfying. usually i don't find a lot of the female protagonist games that erotic. i think it's because they're developed by guys and it usually suffers from the overly pornographic, everything feels cheap/rushed, no erotic build up problem. this game is rather good in the eroticism department though without being too dark. it feels very enjoyable like heart problems or lust epidemic.

    i do hope the dev will possibly develop their own visuals in future games if and when that occurs or i wish that some of these anime-style erotic games that actually have really good erotic content/scene/setups would get hired or work with another developer whose strong point is in the visual aspect of erotic game making. there's definitely some games with fantastic visuals that pretty mediocre erotic story/character/setup.

    one critique i do have is don't like the sorta cool rock music that plays sometimes. i don't think of that type of music as particularly erotic or sexy. i think heart problems has probably some of the best music for an erotic game with it's more cool but sultry jazz but chic and sultry in style. something like dreams of desire is also good enough and not distracting or immersion breaking like a lot of erotic games music. i do think SFX/music adds a lot to the VN format and think the dev probably understands that. i'm guessing the dev isn't working with a team but if they do, think it'd be great to see better music too. i'd rather keep the current music than have none but i do find it distracting.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this one more than I thought I would. More female fronted games wouldn't be a bad thing, and this one is decently well written. The main character is charming enough, if at bit Mary Sue-ish at times... but that's fine. It's a sex game. It's by nature a power fantasy. I don't mind that.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually has story. I mean... really well written story with characters who feel like individuals who interact with the MC consistently enough to have predictive models yet not all be alike or spinoffs of each other.

    Solid layout of interface.

    Models are excellent for the genre. I prefer Daz HD models with texture but this isn't bad.

    I wish the sex scenes were more diverse and showed better anglesbut it is what it is.


    Sex scenes could be more graphic.
    Kinks could develop more.

    Overall - one of the better games on the site.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Kinky Bully

    The story i s not half bad. But what i like is that no one is forcing the MC and you get to choose how u want things to go. i also like the models and the s i de characters. it is a bit weird that almost every character is pervert bt who are we to complain ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) .
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I had a doubt trying this VN because of the art but this VN is something else!

    Pros :
    • You are a prudish girl trying to shed her old self off and be an open minded girl, and i am a sucker for that kind of theme. The progression is a little bit fast, but not too fast either and i enjoyed it a lot
    • The girls are pretty and lovable, maybe some people have to get used to the art style like i do but after playing it i do find the girls attractive especially Arizona
    • Looking at the state of the game right now (v0.08) there are few routes we could explore in the future and i am looking forward for that
    • The scenes are animated, pretty smooth. I like it!
    • The background, environment, etc looks great
    i do found a couple of errors message but not that severe

    Frank is an idiot, ignoring a girl like Arizona. Could not wait to see Frank's face after Arizona performed a full transformation in the future :KEK:

    I had a great time playing it, yes... i need to adjust myself because of the art style but now it is not a problem anymore.

  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A rare game about a girl's own budding sexuality rather than the men who want to do things to her. Can't wait to see what naughty adventures Ari and her friends get into next! (Hopefully without Frank, though!)
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    DWR Games

    When I first played Arizona for the first time, I was captivated by two things: a fun story and a very beautiful protagonist.
    Since then I continued to follow the updates, not playing them all, due to lack of time (I prefer to wait to accumulate some updates to play more content at once) but always following the development closely.
    And when I played the current version on the date of this review (0.07) I can define it in a single word: evolution!
    The story remains captivating, I am really curious to see where things are going. The plot makes sense, and this is very important to me in a game. The game also has good dosages of humor!
    The characters are likable and believable. It's easy to like them (or hate them! :LOL:).
    The models are beautiful, I particularly love the models that this used engine provides, but in Arizona, we can see unique models, very beautiful and that is without a doubt the great highlight of this game.
    The game also has great lewd content, which ends up being well connected to the development of the story.
    I always liked and played games with female protagonists. I even decided to create my own game because of that, and that's why I have played many games of this genre and I can say that Arizona is one of the ones that I liked the most.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say I'm a sucker for Redheads. Arizona is a fun little game that explores the pros and cons of the swinging lifestyle. You got the douchbag clueless boyfriend and the supportive but slutty friends. This game just crested 0.05% completion, So I reserve the right to redo this review. But so far for a proof of concept it's 5 stars for me. I'm not gonna be one of those assholes who bomb a game when it's just learning to crawl. So give Arizona a chance. I was so impressed I became a Patron.
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Lucas Martinez

    I do like this game, the story doesn't make a lot of sense to me but I think it's quite fun and it is a bit different to most of the games on here. I'm not a fan of the current animations but they're put together well. I'll rate this higher when there's more/better content to play as I like a game to last quite a while. Overall though it has potential and it's updated quite often which is positive. Good luck for the future development
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a typical story about a female character who, as a result of her actions, takes the path of corruption. Even if you read the description, you're unlikely find anything out of the ordinary that you can hook on to. But anyway, even if plot don't sounds unique execution can fix everything.
    But not in this case, unfortunately.

    I must say I usually skip games where I'm not interested in the description or do't like the screenshots. In this case, I was hooked by 2B in screenshots, yeah that's right, there is that juicy ass that almost any gamer will recognize. But here she have another name, and she is not related to Nier universe in any way.

    Typical story about student girl who want to try something new and diversify her life with various perversions. But there is a problem, she start doing it out of blue, without any good reason for it. Her corruption feels artificially created, usually in this scenes, there is no good mood what would motivate her for decisions she make, or strong events in her life, she just do it, because one day she start to wanting it. It feels like she was good girl her whole life and then boom! For one week she can turn in sperm bucket.

    Dialogues in this game slightly better than the ones you usually see in porn. Not THAT terrible, could be worse, but they plane and boring, you don't believe in them.
    Jock boyfriend who doesn't have much personality, and easily cheat on MC because she not perverted enough (Well he doing it with 2B, so I can fully understand him. So maybe I don't even consider it as a minus for the story ;) )
    Slutty girl friend who drag MC down to path of corruption.
    Perverted father. Well not really that perverted, but interactions with him is easily readable, and I'm not will be surprised if MC will have sex with him after 4-5 interactions (so there is no depth in their relationship)
    Perverted neighbor - nothing said about him, he just here for sake of cheating on MC's boyfriend and exploring corruption path.
    Boyfriend's brother - I didn't payed attention to him because, when we encountered him, I was already got bored, so nothing said. As I understand he also for NTR purpose.
    2B and her slutty friend - They going in the same school, and they put eye on the MC's boyfriend, so they are revivals for her (2B also playing role of a slut here)

    Overall characters don't feel memorable, they pretty typical, and poor dialogues only make it worse.

    Conclusion: 1/5

    Visual side - Graphic/Animation

    Character emotions:
    Usually you see static face, no matter the situation, or cringe expression, or another kind of weird facial expressions.
    They are really good, for me it was one of the reason why i wanted to try this game. Texture of woman genitals also much better than in most HS based games.
    They are good. Some of them default from HS engine, which is just fact not minus and I'm not really sure if there's a developer's own animation here, but it seemed like that, anyway overall they're good.

    Conclusion: 4/5


    There is not much to say, we have story in which we dive in, story progresses, we choose one variant from several, moving on. There is hidden stats of corruption, so if you don't get enough points, which could be obtained by choosing perverted choices, you would't have opportunity to pick another option.

    Conclusion: 3/5 (Nothing new, typical vn gameplay)

    Final notes. Under normal circumstances, I probably would't write a review for the game which is on early stages of development, but this game have deep problems on one of cores of any vn game - story/characters/dialogues.
    In the current situation, you just can't immerse yourself in to the story, because it's bald and uninteresting and characters don't feel real. And I don't see the possibility to fix this, except to rewrite everything from scratch, which won't be the option for dev, I presume. Anyway, if you don't care much about the story or characters depth, I think you can find here your fap material, because as I wrote above, animations and renders here are well done.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    In my opinion this game is the best on this site. It has all, excellent story, very beautiful girls, mechanic is operating very well, contains a lot of different types of women. This game is the first where actually I am following story, not only the sex scenes.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    :As of version 0.02

    I'm getting very invested in this story, especially with Arizona and Samantha. Their personalities are developing nicely. I can always tell when I like a story by the way I pause on so many of the scenes, wondering what other things the characters might be thinking. I'm especially curious about Ari's sexual orientation. She 'checked out' Sam's micro-skirted butt in the classroom, then gave her breasts a 'doe-eyed' look on the beach, after Sam came out of the water, teasing the boys. If Sam is 'game', we might see some fireworks between her and Ari.

    Speaking of Sam, coming out of the water: I'd call that series of graphics "brilliant". It speaks very effectively to her personality type. She's confident, uninhibited, and free-spirited, much the opposite of Arizona. When she first walks back up to the others, strikes a pose with her arms crossed over head, and nonchalantly asks, "What are you guys talking about"? Yeah, that girl knows EXACTLY 'what time it is'!

    Arizona's boyfriend seems a decent lad, but doesn't yet quite understand "subtlety". His older brother seems fairly sharp, so the younger one will likely come around.

    Not much to say about mom and dad, so far. I don't expect that to change much, as the story progresses. I'm more interested in the friend who called. Melanie, Ari's friend from childhood, moved away several years ago, and is moving back soon. Ari mentioned they looked alike, calling her "the sister I never had". Sounds like a setup for some interesting times, ahead.

    I'm very eager to find out where this story lead us . Overall, I'd say this is a VERY solid start by a first-time developer. She's come a long way, in a short amount of time. Keep it up, Sylvie Dreams :)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    A bit short but really promissing. Definitly worth a try with a good looking MC and a fast developing story with some nice routes to be opened in future updates. I really like this kind of games so I will check the updated version regulary.
    The animation are above the normal level and the overal artwork is good.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Okay. New Game with Female protagonist made me curious.
    So I DL'ed it and tried it.

    The Models are... acceptable. Not really good, not really bad either.
    The Avatars look creepy, the Father might be, modelwise, better placed in a vampire or horrorthemed game.

    What really annoyed me is the Story it displays.

    The English is understandable, the Storyline sadly not.
    We have young Arizona, which is supposed to be naive.
    Well she comes off rather stupid. Her thoughts don't feel real to me, rather artificial. Musing about a shower to clean herself, flashing her dad and whatnot.
    The Father... I had to laugh at those lines. Play it for yourself, make your own opinion, but that creep is far from being an acceptable father.
    The ugly model of him adds up to that.
    And the cast of creeps goes on.
    Frank, is okayish. Not really relatable as a "boyfriend" to her but okay.
    Best scene, that made me crack was when he brings her home, you can decide to give him a BJ or not. If not, he muses that you are lacking some things to be his permanent girlfriend. Wow. Just Wow xD
    Not to forget Sam. The... uh... constantly horny foul-mouthed school bitch?

    Some Designchoices are a bit... weird.
    For example at the end of content, you get the long awaited Erogame from frankly and get asked if you want to masturbate to it or not.
    I got the message, that she isn't corrupted enough for that. Which is rather laughable.
    Everyone masturbates. We girl do, boys do a bit more I'd say. So for a girl, which flashes behind the back of her Dad, asks for Erogames and stupidly runs around thinking and asking such stuff, that is contradicting the character.

    So... So far the look of MC is decent and maybe this might evolve into something enjoyable. Which is why I give it 2 Stars.

    Imho Dev has to rapidly improve his/her writing qualities, as I was really tempted to active skipmode and just skim over if any scene in there might pique my interest.
    Which is always a very bad sign, as I love a good story.

    For the sexjunkies out there:

    So far I stumbled over the possibility to give a Blowjob, I chose not so though, so can't really say if it is blocked behind a illogical corruptionpointwall again, and later on a masturbation scene. Which I tried to chose, but seemingly asking for Erogame and flashing Daddy wasn't bad girl enough for that *giggles*

    Models: 2/5
    Story: 1/5
    Immersion as MC: 1/5
    Understandable (Language): 3/5

    Result: 2/5 Stars from me.