What is this XML file here?

Penumbral Evanescence

|☽◯☾| Somnium of the Night ✧ Bête Noire
Jul 16, 2021
This looks like an RSS Feed link
That's precisely what it is. It helps users keep up to date on posts by having bi-directional updates of feed data for the F95 server.

You can also synch to Outlook or other emailing systems to keep yourself abreast of specific page updates/sections across the F95 site.

Penumbral Evanescence

|☽◯☾| Somnium of the Night ✧ Bête Noire
Jul 16, 2021
Mike17723 - that provides some quick facts and breaks down the concept of RSS feeds further. Good to keep in your back pocket in case you want to read up on more information about what RSS is in a nutshell.